中国科学技术大学学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (12): 989-993.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-2778.2015.12.005

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正整数 n-color 1-2有序分拆


  1. 河西学院数学与统计学院,甘肃张掖 734000
  • 收稿日期:2014-03-21 修回日期:2014-09-05 接受日期:2014-09-05 出版日期:2023-03-27 发布日期:2014-09-05

n-color 1-2 compositions of positive integers

GUO Yuhong   

  1. School of Mathematics and Statistics, Hexi University, Zhangye 734000, China
  • Received:2014-03-21 Revised:2014-09-05 Accepted:2014-09-05 Online:2023-03-27 Published:2014-09-05
  • About author:GUO Yuhong, female, born in 1970, master/Prof. Research field: combinatorial number theory.
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11461020).

摘要: 正整数的n-color 1-2 有序分拆是指正整数的只含有分部量是1或者2的n-color有序分拆,而正整数的回文的n-color 1-2有序分拆是指只含有分部量是1或者2的n-color有序分拆且分部量从前往后读与从后往前读是相等的. 这里给出了正整数的n-color 1-2 有序分拆数和回文的n-color 1-2有序分拆数的生成函数、显式公式以及递推公式.而且还给出了正整数的n-color 1-2 有序分拆数和回文的n-color 1-2 有序分拆数之间的一个关系式.

关键词: 正整数的有序分拆, n-color 1-2 有序分拆, 回文的n-color 1-2有序分拆, 生成函数, 显式公式, 递推公式

Abstract: An n-color 1-2 composition is defined as an n-color composition with only parts of size 1 or 2 of positive integer. An n-color 1-2 palindromic composition is an n-color 1-2 composition in which the parts are ordered such that they are read the same forward and backwards. Here the generating function, explicit formulas and recurrence relations for n-color 1-2 compositions and n-color 1-2 palindromic compositions were obtained. In addition, a relation between the number of n-color 1-2 compositions of ν and the number of n-color 1-2 palindromic compositions of ν was given.

Key words: compositions of positive integer, n-color 1-2 composition, n-color 1-2 palindromic composition, generating function, explicit formulas, recurrence relations
