About Journal

  •        The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) is one of the most famous universities in China. The Journal of USTC is a comprehensive, academic journal of natural sciences sponsored by the USTC under the guidance of the Chinese Academy of Science. The Journal was launched in 1965. Now, it comes out monthly.

           The editor-in-chief of the Journal’s first editorial committee was  Academician  Hua Luogeng, an internationally recognized mathematician.  The current editor-in-chief is Academician Bao Xinhe,  executive editor-in-chief  is Prof. Luo Xisheng .

           Based predominantly on basic science, information science, and engineering science and the cutting edge technologies of fire science and protection, computer science, autonomy control, quantum information science, nanotechnology, polar scientific investigation and research at our school, the Journal aims at publishing innovative and high-standard academic papers and research results. Distributed in and outside of China, both Chinese and English papers are accepted.

           Papers in the Journal are typeset according to international standards, including copyright, contents, and abstracts in Chinese as well as English. It has remained one of the key comprehensive science journals in China, having won a variety awards in competitions held in Anhui Province, east-China and the Society of Chinese University Journals in Natural Sciences. Currently it is indexed by 26 well-known organizations in and out of China. Copies of the Journal are sent to indexing organizations and databases without any charge. 

           The databases that include our journal are Scopus/Elsevier of Holland, SA/INSPEC of G.B., CA and MR of U.S.A, JST of Japan and Zbl Math of Germany. Ours is one of the core journals of CSCD in China and is included by almost all the Chinese databases. 

  • 2017-02-25 Visited: 15464
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ISSN 0253-2778   34-1054/N

Current Issue

, Vol. 51, No. 12

Previous Issues

2009 - present