中国科学技术大学学报 ›› 2012, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 60-66.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-2778.2012.01.010

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党 力   

  1. 中国科学技术大学精密机械与精密仪器系,安徽合肥 230027
  • 收稿日期:2011-04-08 修回日期:2011-06-02 出版日期:2012-01-31 发布日期:2012-01-31
  • 通讯作者: 孔凡让
  • 作者简介:党力,男,1984年生,博士. 研究方向:图像处理与识别. E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

Face sketch synthesis and recognition based on independent subspace

DANG li   

  1. Department of Precision Machinery and Precision Instrumentation, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027, China
  • Received:2011-04-08 Revised:2011-06-02 Online:2012-01-31 Published:2012-01-31

摘要: 基于草图的人脸识别对于公安机关通过目击者描述出的犯罪嫌疑人草图来确定疑犯的身份具有重要的意义.为实现草图人脸识别,从人脸独立特征子空间和人脸形状结构特征出发,提出了一种新的草图人脸合成和识别方法.根据人脸图像在独立分量子空间上的重建,研究了基于独立成分分析(ICA)的草图人脸合成,实现了照片草图人脸转换;针对人脸结构信息在人脸识别中的重要作用,在分析主动形状模型(ASM)算法在提取人脸结构信息上所具有的局限性的基础上,提出了极坐标形状模型(PSM);最后,将合成的草图与待识别草图利用ICA/线性鉴别分别(LDA)和极坐标形状模型进行联合识别.实验结果表明,提出的算法可以有效地将照片转换为草图,并具有较好的识别率,1阶识别率达到947%,10阶达到991%,将子空间投影与极坐标形状模型联合起来识别,1阶识别率可提高53%,前3阶识别率平均提高约42%.算法较好的识别率基本上满足了自动草图识别系统的要求.

关键词: 草图合成, 草图识别, 独立成分分析, 线性鉴别分析, 主动形状模型, 极坐标形状模型

Abstract: Face sketch recognition plays an important role in determining the identity of the suspect through suspect sketch which is described by witnesses. In order to better realize face sketch recognition, a new face sketch synthesis and recognition algorithm was proposed based on face independent subspace and shape features. According to the face reconstruction based on independent component analysis (ICA) subspace, the face sketch synthesis based on ICA was studied, and the conversion between photo and sketch was realized. Considering the important role of the face structure information in face recognition and in analyzing the limitation of the structural information extracted by active shape model (ASM) algorithm, the polar shape model (PSM) was proposed. Finally, the synthesised sketch was recognized with the one to be recognized by combining ICA/linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and PSM. Experiment results indicate that the synthesis sketch performs very well by new algorithm, the recognition rate of one rank is 947%, and the recognition rate of ten rank is 991%. Recognition with subspace and PSM, one rank rate can be increased by 53%, and the first three rank rate can be increased by 42% evenly. The algorithm has higher recognition rate and basically meets the requirements of automatic face sketch recognition system.

Key words: sketch synthesis, sketch recognition, independent component analysis, linear discriminant analysis, active shape model, polar shape model