中国科学技术大学学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (8): 612-617.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-2778.2018.08.002

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  1. 1.安徽财经大学金融学院, 安徽蚌埠 233030; 2.亚琛工业大学数学系,亚琛 52056 德国; 3.中国科学技术大学数学科学学院,安徽合肥 230026
  • 收稿日期:2018-03-08 修回日期:2018-07-11 接受日期:2018-07-11 出版日期:2018-08-31 发布日期:2018-07-11

Sufficient conditions for digraphs to be maximally connected and super-connected

  1. HONG Zhenmu, VOLKMANN Lutz2, XU Junming3
  • Received:2018-03-08 Revised:2018-07-11 Accepted:2018-07-11 Online:2018-08-31 Published:2018-07-11
  • Contact: XU Junming
  • About author:HONG Zhenmu, male, born in 1987, PhD/ lecturer. Research field: Combinatorics and graph theory. E-mail:
  • Supported by:
    Supported by NNSF of China (11601002, 11571044), the University Natural Science Research Project of Anhui Province (KJ2016A003).

摘要: 设D是顶点集为V(D)的有限简单有向图. V(D) 中的顶点v 的度d(v) 被定义为v的出度d+(v) 和入度d-(v) 中的最小值. 如果有向图D

关键词: 有向图, 连通度, 极大连通, 超连通

Abstract: Let D be a finite and simple digraph with vertex set V(D). For a vertex v∈V(D), the degree d(v) of v is defined as the minimum value of its out-degree d+(v) and its in-degree d-(v). If D is a digraph with minimum degree δ and connectivity κ, then κ≤δ. A digraph is maximally connected if κ=δ. A maximally connected digraph D is said to be super-connected if for every minimum vertex-cut S, the digraph D-S is either non-strongly connected with at least one trivial strong component or trivial. Here some sufficient conditions for digraphs or bipartite digraphs with given minimum degree to be maximally connected or super-connected were presented in terms of the number of arcs, and some examples were given to demonstrate that the lower bound on these conditions are sharp.

Key words: digraph, connectivity, maximally connected, super-connected
