Journal of University of Science and Technology of China ›› 2020, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (3): 289-293.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-2778.2020.03.005

• Original Paper • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Erdo″s-So′s conjecture for 2-center spiders


  1. WANG Shicheng, HOU Xinmin
  • Received:2019-05-22 Revised:2019-05-28 Accepted:2019-05-28 Online:2020-03-31 Published:2019-05-28
  • Contact: HOU Xinmin
  • About author:WANG Shicheng, male, Master candidate. Research field: Combinatorial graph theory. E-mail:

Abstract: The Erdo″s-So′s Conjecture states that if G is a graph with average degree more than k-2, then G contains every tree on k vertices. A spider can be seen as a tree with at most one vertex of degree more than two. Fan, Hong, and Liu proved that the conjecture holds for spiders.

Key words: Erdo″s-So′s conjecture, tree, spider, 2-center spider

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